We’re A Family Farm
Located in Northern Wisconsin, we are raising heritage breeds of cattle, goats, and pigs to keep them from going extinct.
Heritage Breeds
All livestock are heritage breeds, meaning they are at risk of extinction. We currently raise Galloway cattle, Tamworth pigs, Spanish goats, and Clun Forest sheep.
Pasture Raised
The cattle and sheep are grass fed and finished and the pigs are supplemented with non-GMO grains. No antibiotics or hormones are ever used.
Rotational Grazing
The livestock are all rotationally grazed through the growing season and graze large hay bales during the winter.
Animal Welfare
All livestock are raised according to animal welfare approval standards. It’s healthier for the earth, it’s healthier for the animals and it’s healthier for you!
Our Story
Morning Star Meadows Family Farm is located in the beautiful North Woods of Wisconsin. It is only through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin that we have this wonderful land and thus we have named our farm in her honor, utilizing one of her titles in the Litany of Loretto. We are a homeschooling Roman Catholic family. We installed 48” woven wire electric fencing around our 30 acres of pasture and silvopasture and we rotationally graze multi species of livestock. We rotate the animals daily while the grass is growing and strategically place round bales to keep moving them throughout the winter.
We have winter and summer waterers, as well as portable shelters that move with the livestock, even though our pasture is also interspersed with a few dozen 200+ year old white pine trees for shelter and shade. Outside the fencing we are surrounded by 41 acres of woods, hence the need for an electric woven wire fence. Our woods primarily consist of hemlocks, pines, aspen, maples and oaks with two creeks and a large pond as natural sources of water. Our particular interest is to be good stewards of our land and to this end we are very involved in livestock conservancy. In fact, we are active members of The Livestock Conservancy. Many of our animals are either listed as “critical” or “threatened”.
In aiddition to our farm animals, we also have a livestock guardian dog. She is a Maremma who looks after the sheep, as well as goats who handle much of the browse in the woods.